
Bound volume entitled: "A System of Practical Geometry"

Letter from Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg to Mattw. Boulton Esq.

Page 1 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Cover page of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith'

Page 5 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Page 4 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Page 2 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Receipt from J [?] Raisbeck for the Sugar House to George Hutchinson

Receipt from Messrs Raisbeck & Co for the Sugar House to John Wheatley for £0.13.2

Torn note referring to a payment of £5.0.0

Receipt from Mr John Raisbeck for the Sugar House to A Hall for £1.10.8 ½

Memorandum regarding letting buildings within the Sugar House premises

Note regarding £18.0.0 paid on the Sugar House mortgage from J S Raisbeck to Cuthbert Burrell

Note from John Staplyton Raisbeck to Cuthbert Burrell regarding a payment of £18.0.0 to paid on a £800.0.0 loan for the Sugar House

Drawing of the dam and setting for the wharf at South Dock Pier in Portsmouth

Plan and section proposed for repairing the Old North Dock at Portsmouth

Cash book

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Printed insurance policy for the Laudable Society for the Benefit of Widows

Page 3 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Page 6 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Pages 14 and 15 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Note regarding payment of £18.0.0 on the Sugar House mortgage from J S Raisbeck to Cuthbert Burrell

Receipt from J S Raisbeck & Co to George Hutchinson for £8.14.3

Written order of the Bishop of Durham to J Stapleton Raisbeck

Warrant from the Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham to John Stapleton Raisbeck

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck for the Sugar House for the Sugar House from A Christopher for £2.4.6 for the purchase of paper and a list of outgoing payments from Jn Raisbeck to Jn Hall, Mr Pickering and Mr Horn[?]for £4.16.7

Legal agreement between Thomas Clapton and Jacob Starrison

List of bills from Mr John Raisbeck to David Hall

Bills for mother's funeral

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck to William Reed

A collection of glass lantern slides capturing the development of flight from an early set of images from the 1909 aviation meeting held at Reims, France through to images of aircraft from Imperial Airways and flying boats in the late Thirties.

The History of Aircraft and Flying


Volume relating to navigational and related astronomical problems


The Edinburgh Evening Courant


Letter from Antoine Laurent Lavoisier to Monsieur Richard


Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Mr. W. Boulton


A Plan of the Navigable Canals from Birmingham, to Oxford


Map: Plan of the Collieries on the Rivers Tyne and Wear also Blyth, Bedlington and Hartley; with the Country 11 Miles round Newcastle

2 sheets

Maps relating to Rochdale Canal


Letter from James Watt of Broseley to Mr. Boulton


Map entitled: 'A Plan of the River Thames from Boulter's Lock to Mortlake, Surveyed by order of the City of London in 1770, by James Brindley Engineer'


Map entitled: 'A Plan shewing the line of the proposed navigation from Bishops Stortford, through part of Essex, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, to the Brandon River, on the borders of Norfolk ... '


Agreement for erecting a steam engine at Ravenhead near Prescot in County of Lancaster


Letter from James Watt to Mr John Morley


Letter from John Dalton to Peter Crosthwaite


Deed respecting a Steam Engine to be erected at Ketley Iron Works


Prescription for Master Forester Fench


Plan of the Collieries on the Rivers Tyne and Wear also Blyth, Bedlington and Hartley; with the Country 11 Miles round Newcastle


Broadsheet: Sir William Petty's Plan for a system of instruction relative to the business of the Marine Department, in the same words as the original; but with the articles transposed, and marginal titles, supplemental titles, and remarks added


Letter from William Toplis to an acquaintance of Lord Bathurst's